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Top Tips to Treat and Prevent Headaches

Are you suffering with recurring headaches and migraines?

In this blog we will discuss the most effective treatments to prevent and treat headaches. As a Chiropractor who has treated many patients with Acute and Chronic headaches, I have summarised in bullet-points the most effective treatments and tips that has worked for many patients.

1. Decompression

This is a very useful tool which can and should be used for the whole body. This removes the pressure and strain being loaded onto the spine, caused by bad posture due to joints seized (lack of motion in the joints), more common in (Office workers, dentist, teachers, prolonged driving).

Use a Denneroll- Place this under the neck whilst laying on your back, find the sweet spot, not too low or too high, this will open the Cervical spine remove the excess strain that has been loading up the joints.

DIY TIP- Simply roll a small towel and place this under the base of the neck, once you are in a daily routine, look into purchasing a Denneroll an investment that you will NOT regret.

2. Massage the Occiput/ Temples and Jaw to release tension.

Releasing the Occiput (The 2 ridges/ dimples found behind the head), will reduce the chances of occipital headaches and dizziness. Again posture is a big cause of strain in these areas.

Simply tuck your chin to the chest, using your thumbs gently press into the occipital area and massage in a circular motion. In addition you can purchase massage balls, lean against the wall or lay on the floor and place the ball underneath the occiput and hold for 15 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Apply the same principles with the Jaw and temple region, just place fingers on the mandible and massage in a clockwise direction moving into the Masseter muscles to release the jaw, which can reduce grinding of the teeth.

3. Daily Principles which often get neglected

Stress, staring into computer screens and phones and constant rush and deadlines overload our nervous system, resulting in many physiological and psychological disorders causing headaches to be a symptom of these disorders.

Ensure you stay hydrated with plenty of water (dehydration has an effect on electrolyte balance, the brain can temporarily contract from fluid loss. This causes the brain to pull away from the skull, causing pain and resulting in a dehydration headache. Stay hydrated- Carry a sports bottle with you to ensure optimum hydration, or even invest in some Bcaa’s or essential aminos to add some flavour to make the process more enjoyable.

  • Rest in a dark room, for at least 20 minutes without your phone.
  • Manage stress- Delegate work, manage your time efficiently, have wind down time and talk to friends and family for a healthy escape- this will help release endorphins and help reset the body.

4. Get Adjusted by your Chiropractor- Your Body will Thank You

This is something that is not mentioned as much as it should be. To understand how this is relevant we must look into the nervous system. The nerves from the Cervical spine supply the brain, eyes, ears etc….When there is a lack of motion in these joints, it will cause the facet joints to close and place excessive pressure on the disc and muscles causing excessive strain on the nervous system, resulting in a lack of communication from the brain to the rest of the body. This constant stress will effect how the nerve supplies a region, resulting in headaches amongst many other symptoms.

We constantly treat patients who have been suffering from headaches for years and are taking a cocktail of drugs to Mask their symptoms. Personally I have seen in 95% of cases where I felt the atlas or C5 region which are the most common areas to be affected, to be dysfunctional. After adjusting these areas a few weeks in, the patients are no longer taking any medication and are able to function a whole lot better.

So seek chiropractic care and remember this is wellness care, this is a service you body needs to ensure optimum health and function.

Dr Shamus Hussain

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